Licensed Out of School Care

Our fun and experienced staff will pick your child up daily after school from Lord Roberts Elementary and Lord Roberts Annex and engage the whole group in a wide variety of activities at Gordon Neighbourhood House during our licensed out of school care. Our program is for children 5-10 years old. Out-trips are included weekly. Once a week Chef Peter teaches the children cooking skills in the Kids Community Kitchen.

Subsidies for this program are available from the Ministry of Children and Family Development. For more information, please call Enquiry BC at 604-660-2421.

Full day coverage available for professional development days for an additional fee.

When: Monday-Friday 3:00pm-6:00pm

For further details about the program, please contact Isabel at 604-683-2554 or


Gordon Neighbourhood House
1019 Broughton Street Map
Vancouver BC V6G 2A7
Phone: 604-683-2554
Fax: 604-683-4486


Date(s): September to June
Day(s): Monday to Friday
Time: 3:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Cost: $270 per month
Contact: Agata Feetham
Phone: 604-683-2554
Language(s): English
Program Group: After school licensed childcare

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