At Little Mountain Out of School Care (LMOSC) we promote and encourage your child to express themselves and have fun in a safe and welcoming environment. We are licensed for 45 children from the ages of 6-12 (kindergarten – grade 7). We provide a hot nutritious breakfast to start off your child’s day, as well as snacks and many fun and exciting field trips. The staff and children invite you to come join in the fun.


Little Mountain Neighbourhood House
3981 Main Street Map
Vancouver BC V5V 3P3
Phone: 604-879-7104
Fax: 604-879-7113


Date(s): on-going
Day(s): Monday to Friday
Time: 7:30-9 am and 3-6 pm Mon.-Fri.; Spring break, summer months, ProD Days 7:30 am-6 pm
Cost: $390.00 per month. Subsidy applications accepted
Contact: Christie Akhurst
Phone: 604-713-5565
Language(s): English
Program Group: After school licensed childcare