Cultural Buddy – CUBU

Cultural Buddy is a peer-support program that offers immigrant and refugee students the chance to meet and receive support from local youth while allowing local youth to make new friends, learn about different cultures, and receive training in leadership...

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Cultural Buddy – Fleming

This program "buddies" up new immigrant elementary school children with long time residents from David thompson secondary school and leads them in a range of activities and out-trips, allowing them to practice their English in a social setting while...

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Cultural Buddy Program

The program leads newcomer elementary school children in a range of activities, allowing them to practice their English in a social setting while meeting new friends.

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Cultural Buddy

A program to 'buddy up' new immigrant secondary school youth with more established immigrant youth or strong youth leaders, often speaking the same first language. On-site and off-site activities planned. Serves Templeton Secondary School.

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Buddy Program

This program is aimed at youth who have immigrated to Canada. Youth are paired with mentors and take part in various sports and social activities. Help with school work, English and snacks is provided.

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