Baby and Me Parenting Drop In VCH

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My Tween and Me

Free parenting program for families with children 7-12 years old. To register or for more info, contact Humaira at or call 604-324-6212 local 134.

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Tasty Tales – for children 3 and up

Join Cedar Cottage and VPL as we learn all about healthy eating with snacks, crafts, songs and fun! For children aged 3 years and up.

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Red Cross Emergency Child Care First Aid and CPR

Red Cross Emergency Child First Aid and CPR certificate program. When: Offered at different times throughout the year Cost: Varies, Gordon Neighbourhood House membership is required. For more details on our workshop contact please contact Agata at or 604-683-2554.

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Baby Group (0-24 months) – No Registration Required

Weekly group meeting to discuss a variety topics on parenting skills on infants. A supportive group for parents with infants by enabling children to grow in a safe and loving environment.

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Parent Child Mother Goose

Have fun and learn songs, rhymes and stories to share with your baby and stimulate your baby's early language development!

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Parenting Matters at MPNH

Monthly parenting sessions. Topics are chosen by participants. Snacks and child-minding provided. Next topics during March and April: Nature Exploration (March 19th), YWCA Single moms information session (March 26th) and ADHD information (April).

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Parenting Programs

Family Programs offers parenting programs such as Nobody's Perfect and a variety of parenting classes. These classes are offered during the year as required and in different languages.

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Nobody’s Perfect Parenting Program Fall 2019

Nobody's Perfect Parenting program is a free 6-week program for new parents, or parents wishing to connect with other parents in the neighbourhood to discuss topics on their children's health, development, nutrition, growth, discipline, etc. The program will be...

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Little Chefs Cooking Class

This is a program for parents/caregivers and their children, with a focus on the joy of cooking and eating together.  We will try out new fun meals,with a healthy twist.  There will also be time for play/songs and movement. ...

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